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5 Common Barriers to SharePoint Success—and How to Overcome Them

SharePoint has been a transformative tool for collaboration since its launch in 2001. It has become an essential part of many organizations ' operations, designed to empower teams to easily locate documents, collaborate seamlessly, and manage information effectively. Yet, despite its powerful capabilities, many companies find themselves underutilizing this multi-purpose platform. If you’re facing similar challenges, don’t worry! You’re not alone. Let’s explore five common reasons why SharePoint might not be reaching its full potential and how you can turn things around to harness its power effectively.

1. Traditional Collaboration Methods

In many organizations, employees rely on traditional collaboration tools like email for document sharing and accessing information. While these methods have been effective in the past, they can hinder productivity and prevent SharePoint from being fully utilized.

The Challenge

Relying on email for collaboration often leads to fragmented communication, lost documents, and version control issues. As a result, employees may feel frustrated, which can deter them from embracing SharePoint as an alternative.

The Solution

Encourage your team to see SharePoint as the primary platform for document collaboration and information access. This requires creating a culture that promotes using SharePoint as the go-to hub for collaboration.

  • Integrate SharePoint into Daily Workflows: Make it easy for employees to transition by integrating SharePoint into their daily tasks. Encourage them to upload documents directly to SharePoint, share links rather than attachments, and utilize SharePoint for project management.
  • Highlight Its Benefits: Conduct workshops or informational sessions that showcase the advantages of using SharePoint over traditional methods. Demonstrating features like real-time collaboration, version history, and improved search functionalities can motivate employees to make the switch.

2. Overcoming the Learning Curve

SharePoint is a powerful platform with a myriad of features, which can sometimes feel overwhelming to new users. Many employees perceive the learning curve as steep, which can deter them from fully engaging with the platform.

The Challenge

The perceived complexity of SharePoint can lead to frustration, particularly among users who consider themselves to not be tech-savvy or who are unfamiliar with SharePoint. When employees are unsure how to navigate the system or utilize its features, they may shy away from using it altogether.

The Solution

Investing in ongoing training and education is essential to help your team master SharePoint. By providing tailored training programs, you can demystify the platform and build users' confidence.

  • Bite-Sized Learning Opportunities: Offer training sessions that focus on specific features or functions of SharePoint. This allows users to learn at their own pace and gradually build their skills.
  • Utilize Resources: Leverage online resources, tutorials, and guides to support ongoing learning. Creating a central repository of helpful materials can empower users to seek out information independently.

3. Communicating the Value

Sometimes, organizations roll out SharePoint without effectively communicating its benefits. When employees are left wondering, “What’s in it for me?” they may hesitate to embrace the platform fully.

The Challenge

Without a clear understanding of how SharePoint can enhance their work experience, employees may feel disconnected from the platform. This can lead to a lack of engagement and underutilization.

The Solution

Focus on communicating SharePoint’s value proposition effectively. Highlight the tangible benefits that SharePoint brings to employees' daily tasks and which then translate into increased business productivity overall.

  • Share Success Stories: Use real-life examples and case studies that illustrate how SharePoint has improved workflows in similar organizations. Highlighting success stories can inspire employees and demonstrate the platform's practical benefits.
  • Emphasize Ease of Use: While SharePoint has many features, it also offers user-friendly tools that can simplify everyday tasks. Emphasizing these aspects can help employees see SharePoint as a helpful resource rather than a daunting challenge.

4. Fostering Ownership and Responsibility

It’s common for project teams implementing SharePoint to lack clarity about their responsibilities once the project wraps up. This confusion can lead to missed opportunities to leverage SharePoint's full capabilities.

The Challenge

When roles and responsibilities are unclear, users may feel hesitant to explore SharePoint features, resulting in underutilization. Without designated SharePoint champions, the momentum gained during implementation can quickly fade.

The Solution

Establish ongoing training programs and designate SharePoint champions within your organization. By fostering a sense of ownership and accountability, you empower users to confidently explore all that SharePoint has to offer.

  • Designate SharePoint Advocates: Identify individuals within your organization who are enthusiastic about SharePoint and can help others navigate the platform. These advocates can serve as go-to resources for questions and support.
  • Implement Regular Check-Ins: Schedule periodic reviews or feedback sessions to assess how SharePoint is being used across teams. This provides an opportunity to celebrate successes and address any challenges users may face.

5. Embracing a Collaborative Culture

SharePoint thrives in an environment that values efficiency and collaboration. If your organization doesn’t embrace or promote these principles, SharePoint usage may dwindle.

The Challenge

A lack of emphasis on collaboration can lead to siloed information and decreased motivation to utilize SharePoint as a tool for teamwork and communication.

The Solution

Cultivate a company culture that prioritizes collaboration and continuous improvement. Encourage your team to treat SharePoint as a living tool that evolves with their needs.

  • Promote Team Projects: Encourage cross-departmental collaboration through SharePoint by creating shared spaces for teams to work together on projects. This not only boosts engagement but also demonstrates SharePoint’s capabilities in a practical context.
  • Recognize and Reward Engagement: Celebrate team members who actively use SharePoint and share their success stories with the broader organization. Recognition can motivate others to embrace the platform.

Unlock Your SharePoint Potential with Calance

Whether you’re new to SharePoint or have been striving to increase its utilization for years, recognizing the barriers to effective use is the first step toward success. The five reasons outlined above provide valuable insights into areas for improvement.

At Calance, our experienced and certified professionals are dedicated to helping you unlock the full potential of your SharePoint investment. Our services range from implementing SharePoint solutions and upgrading environments to migrating to SharePoint Online and providing ongoing managed services.

With every project, we ensure comprehensive knowledge transfer and best practices, enabling you to continuously leverage and enhance your SharePoint solution.

Don’t let your SharePoint investment go underutilized. Unlock the full potential of your SharePoint investment. Book a meeting with us today to explore how our customized solutions can enhance productivity and engagement in your organization!